Welcome to Vydooryam

Vydooryam is started to portray the large collection of diamond and gold designs available in the market. The images supplied in this website are purely copied from the web and is the property of copyright owners.

Vydooryam is a name given for a certain type of diamond in Kerala. Diamonds are thought to have been first identified and mined in India, where significant alluvial deposits of the stone can be found many centuries ago along the rivers of Penner, Krishna & Godavari. Diamonds have been found in India for at least 3,000 years ago but most likely around 6,000 years.

About gold :

Pure gold (24k) is extremely soft. So to make gold sturdy enough to use in jewellery, other metals are mixed with it. Creating an alloy. Gold is an inert element so it doesn't Tarnish, but the silver and copper in the alloy may react to the oxygen, sulphur and moisture in the ais and eventually turn the gold jewellery dark....

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